Source code for robophisher.common.firewall

This module handles all the routing and firewall related tasks
import robophisher.common.constants as constants
import robophisher.helper as helper

[docs]def clear_rules(): """ Clear(reset) all the firewall rules back to default state and return a tuple containing completion status followed by the first error that occurred or None :return: A tuple containing completion status followed by an error or None :rtype: namedtuple(status=bool, error_message=None or str) :Example: >>> clear_rules() Result(status=True, error_message=None) >>> clear_rules() Result(status=False, error_message="SOME ERROR HAPPENED") """ base0 = "iptables -{}" base1 = "iptables -t nat -{}" commands = [ base0.format("F").split(), base0.format("X").split(), base1.format("F").split(), base1.format("X").split() ] error = list(filter(lambda result: result[1], map(helper.run_command, commands))) return error[0] if error else constants.RESULT_NO_ERROR
[docs]def redirect_to_localhost(): """ Configure firewall such that all request are redirected to local host :return: A namedtuple containing completion status followed by an error or None :rtype: Result(status=bool, error_message=None or str) :Example: >>> redirect_to_localhost() Result(status=True, error_message=None) >>> redirect_to_localhost() Result(status=False, error_message="SOME ERROR HAPPNED") """ base = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p {} --dport {} -j DNAT --to-destination {}:{}" commands = [ base.format("tcp", 80, constants.NETWORK_GW_IP, constants.PORT).split(), base.format("tcp", 53, constants.NETWORK_GW_IP, 53).split(), base.format("tcp", constants.SSL_PORT, constants.NETWORK_GW_IP, constants.SSL_PORT).split(), base.format("udp", 53, constants.NETWORK_GW_IP, 53).split(), "sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1".split() ] error = list(filter(lambda result: result[1], map(helper.run_command, commands))) return error[0] if error else constants.RESULT_NO_ERROR